tata capital retail design by shanoo bhatia from india
designer's own words:
Tata Capital’s foray into the retail finance market with 13 products across equity, asset and debt, required a rethink of retail fundamentals. Our contribution was across the project timeline - from retail strategy and consolidation of services through ideas such as multi tasking service pods to the conceptual clarity of Making Money Friendly, our inhouse team’s multi disciplinary strengths were leveraged to deliver a complete retail experience. Most effective for the project, was the decision to retain us to deliver complete shop drawings for upto 100 retail outlets nationwide, which resulted in no loss of identity through third party interpretations of design.
Retail space designDesign of ‘pods’ developed to provide privacy and personalizationRetail space designRetail space design and communicationDesign of ‘pods’ developed to provide privacy and personalizationRetail space design