Taiyo Clock

Taiyo Clock by DHMai from singapore

designer's own words:

Since the dawn of human beings, the order of people's activities has always been defined by the movement of the Sun. Without being taught, human's body subconsciously operates according to the natural light source. When the Sun is out, we wake up and start our work. When it goes down, we know it is time for us to rest. However, the more modern we evolve, the more the Sun becomes conspicuous because of high-rise buildings or million artificial light emitting devices. As a result, our simple biological clock is gradually missing its old-day balance.
Taiyo, as its name, which means the Sun in Japanese, aims at reminding people about day and night, about how it is the natural way for your body to work. Instead of two hands, its time indicator is a light dot, which gets bigger or smaller according to the strength of the Sun at that point of time. At 1pm, when the Sun is gloriously shining, people will see a bright circle on Taiyo's face. For someone working inside an office without any window, beside telling the time, Taiyo is a connection between him/her with the world outside. At midnight, there will be only one tiny dot. When people see it, they will automatically feel the urge to rest.
As its concept, which mean to come back to the origin of Time, Taiyo's form is a convex square, a symbol of the Sky and Earth in some cultures. The chosen material for the face is molded paper pulp, which has a very warm and friendly texture. It is thick enough to conceal the mechanism inside but also translucent to reveal the lighting's movement.

Taiyo Clock Overview 1
Taiyo Clock
Taiyo Clock showing 9am
Taiyo Clock
Taiyo Clock mechanism
Taiyo Clock
Taiyo Clock Back
Taiyo Clock
Taiyo Clock Overview 2
Taiyo Clock
Taiyo Clock Overview 3