tag by loreta haaker from peru
designer's own words:
‘tag’ is a door-handle designed to show messages or thoughts on the door in an original and cool way. a change have been made in the traditional concept of door-handles in order to adapt it to a new kind of world, in which people like to type words to express ideas and love that others know what is in their minds all the time. not only is ‘tag’ a door-handle that opens doors, but also shows what is going on behind each door. therefore, it is a stylized tag-shaped door-handle that works as a label of people’s feelings, needs or thoughts.
the design covers two shiny steel door-handles (left and right) and interchangeable cards with different messages. that way, it is possible to personalize the handle depending on the user’s mood. also it includes an extra blank card that gives users the chance to create its own card. express what is happening on the other side of the door!