t_space capt

t_space capt by fabio c. schillaci from italy

designer's own words:

T[een]_agers are different. Their lifestyle is changing. Their habits are different. As we design a bed, for example, we think at a form that allowe people to sleep. Actually T_agers do a lot of activities on a bed: they study, they eat, they play, they watch TV, they chat, they use PC,they meet friends, they put the clothes on it,etc...
That’s not anymore a bad habit, that’s a lifestyle! Since they are free, liberals, they approach to the physical world in an unpredictable mood. They can’t easily accept constraints.
T_space capt is an Hi-tech videogame [it works through an internet web-site] that captures the mixing of habits in a furnitures-form. T_agers can now design several abstract forms [new furnitures] in a way that respond to their lifestyle and [new] habits yet manteining the same brand. Once a T_ager agrees with the furniture that he has designed with T_space capt, he can buy it directly from the web-site.The factory will consign him the furnitire at home.
T_furnitures are able to change utility without formal-changing cause of their abstract form that allowes a spontaneus approach yet unpredictable.
In example, we have worked starting from a bed that became at the end a series of abstract objects [still recognaisable as surfaces to lie down] that could take place and enjoy in a garden, as well as in a park, in a room, in a square, in an hall, etc...and that could be used to do much more than sleeping.
The all manufacturing process will be automized and directly trasmitted from the web-site to the machines in the factory.The furnitures moulds [negative forms] will be milled with a C.N.C. machine from digital models made by C.A.D. scripting techniques. That mould will be used for different techiques according to the choosed material [PUR foam > injection,PE > lamination,Epoxi > etc...].

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