T Lamp by Kisang Yoon from korea
designer's own words:
Light that illuminates darkness is the most essential element in our life.
10% of the people on the earth can use light without limitation just by turning on a switch.
However, the rest, 90%, can use light only restrictively, and sometimes it threatens their life.
T-Lamp can efficiently produce light with small force through recharging
with a self-power-generation principle. The motive was acquired from
the most primitive method of firing by using twigs.
This is a light that can be lighted with a few steps of simple hand work and be comfortably carried.
This product we suggest can be easily recharged and used as long as
they can get anything in a stick form.
What we give them is not limited to energy; as long as our warm
hearted efforts to share light of the world with them continues,
their future will change from darkness to bright hope.
Main shot
Concept & Structure
Usage Scene