Synthesis by from
designer's own words:
Teenagers are inherently disorganized, restless, and erratic. This furniture system is designed to change all that. No other unit combines the elegance and functionality that Synthesis embodies.
Its modular design allows owners to customize to fit their specific rooms—because not all rooms are built alike. Each piece is easily installed or removed. If they don’t want a desk, shelves, or drawers, they don’t need to have them.
Synthesis is designed to take advantage of every free space. Drawers built into the bottom of the bed, and shelves and cabinets occupying once unoccupied areas of the desk give the teenager the “stuff” space they desperately need.
Synthesis can be further personalized with some special little features. An easy attachment to Synthesis allows the user to convert the queen size bed to a comfortable sofa. Also, a sliding work surface can be attached, allowing the user to sit up in bed and still be productive.
However, the true virtue of Synthesis lies in its elegant and simple appearance. Made of simply hardwood, it is very easy on the eyes, because furniture shouldn’t be visually obtrusive. Every edge is filleted or rounded, so that bright eyed and bushy tailed teenagers come away with less marks and stubs from those close encounters with their furniture.
Overall, Synthesis is as versatile and functional as it is modern and elegant. For teens who demand a lot from a small space (typically all of them), the Synthesis is the furniture solution they’ve been waiting for.
The base mode with desk and bed
Synthesis in its bed mode (shown with sliding work surface and attachable shelving system)
Synthesis in its sofa mode (shown with sofa back raised and pull out drawers below bed)