Synergy by kevs from spain
designer's own words:
According to Cambridge Dictionary Synergy is “A state in which two or more things work together in a particularly fruitful way that produces an effect greater than the sum of their individual work.”
The main goals of Synergy are: to promote the importance of the apple in the activities and development of the city. To increase the communication and participation of the citizens and tourist with the authorities of Hirosaki's City.
Synergy is represented by a formal volumetry; a sphere with boolean subtractions that result in a silhouette that subtly refers to an apple.
The rectangle is formed by segments made of glass layers, glued and polished all their edges. In some segments are inserted LED screens, that achieve an optical illusion of floating elements.
The idea is to locate some Synergy in strategic points of the city, to give information about the history, tourism and production of apple in Hirosaki through audiovisual presentations.
Some Data will be collected, through pressure sensors located in the platform of the apple that will measure how many people visit Synergy and the average time that they remain in these strategic points. Additionally, between the informational videos, some surveys will be displayed and users will be able to answer pressing a "yes" or "no"botton, working as a feedback to the authorities, to know what is being done well and what needs to be improved. At the end, it will be helpful to generate statistics and to know tourism and market trends among others.
A number of Synergy will be located in strategic places in the city of Hirosaki.
Objectives. Information and participation.
Segment Detail. Each glass segments are assembled to allow effective maintenance of the led screens.
The rectangle is formed by segments made of glass layers, glued and polished all their edges.
Encounter between tradition and modernity.
Fisheye lens view. Inner atmosphere of the space, and relation between interior and exterior.