sw!tch: turn save by soo hyang kim from korea

designer's own words:

- Introduction -
Many "green" designs only serve as temporary solutions, sometimes merely as aesthetic pleasures. However, we believe that sustainable design is something more. Green design should bring awareness to environmental issues and promote appreciation of energy usage. The extent of energy that is wasted due to poor designs is beyond our imagination. For example, electricity is constantly consumed, even when electrical devices are turned off. More importantly, people are unaware of this wasteful consumption and often experience inconvenience without understanding why.

- Idea -
A variety of household goods attempting to reduce wasteful use of electricity, have become available and yet, a lot of them become useless, as they demand drastic behavioral changes from users. Normally, the fuse box can shut down electricity. However, people rarely take time to do so as it is inconvenient for the user circulation-wise. If the fuse box can be made more accessible for the user, the user will shut down electricity as needed, and ultimately save energy.

- Development -
We focused on the different functions of each separate space. Residential and office spaces are divided according to their functions. These spaces are no longer used after the users exit the space.
Also, although most electronic devices have on and off buttons, it is better to completely shut down electricity when they are not in use. Our idea is to relocate the concept of a fuse box and incorporate it in the design of the light switch so that it is easily accessible for the user.

- Concept - On/Off and SAVE -
For each space, electricity is provided through a power-saving device near the entrance. With this device, the user may turn the lights on and off, and also control the flow of electricity.
This power-saving device has a "save" option in addition to the on and off option of a normal light switch. This "save" option enables the user to completely shut electricity down when the space is not in use. The sequence of options is "on-off-save."
The formal motif is derived from the transmission of vehicles, and the user can achieve these three options by vertical and horizontal movement of the switch. As the "save" option would require more caution, we included an additional method of pushing.

- Exclamation point (perception) -
Normally, a light switch includes a small lamp for the user to easily find the location of the switch. Taking this idea, we included a shape of an exclamation point that lightens up when at the "save" option. The exclamation point is intended to bring awareness to the user's behavior.

- Insight -
In a new world where the demand for energy has increased significantly, we need to consume electricity in a more sustainable manner. Although there have been and will be innovations in the supply side of the energy production, changes in the demand side of the electricity is necessary as well. Our change of attitudes towards usages of different sources of energy is an essential part of the "green" transformation. Green design should promote energy efficiency as well as provide convenience for consumers.

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