Swaying christmas forest installation by fatih koçoğlu from turkey
designer's own words:
I tried to design an installation for the competition.I decided to conceive a weeble-like tree which can affect its surroundings through a pulley system.When you pull-push the center weeble tree ,you gain a swaying tree effect.There is two type of tree on the installation.First one is center weeble tree.This tree made of plywood frame and kaleodoscope mirror boxes on it.There is one independently rolling light ball each.So attendants can get different christmas tree images when they pull-push the weeble tree.Kaleodoscopic mirrors change reflections of balls with their independent action.Second type of tree is the one which can elevate as bound to the center weeble tree with a pulley system.It goes up and down because when the center tree moves.Ground was designed as topography shaped.
Pull-push the weeble-like tree to react its surrounding like swaying trees
Open out the trees to get through the forest .
The center weeble tree with kaledoscopic mirrors with light balls each.
View from outside the forest
Working principles of pulley system
Working principles of weeble tree and top view of the installation.
Movement frames of the installation.