
Sunbathe by Lawrence Chu from china

designer's own words:


Are any of you guilty of taking 60 mins showers? A 20 minute shower uses 6,400 ounces A person’s minimum required Supply of drinking water per day is only 8 ounces. 99 percent of all water (oceans, seas, ice, and atmosphere) is not available for our uses. And even of the remaining 0.3 percent (the small brown slice in the top pie chart), much of that is out of reach.

At our current rate of lifestyle and method of water consumption will soon deplete our water reservoir within the next few decades. Rethink Water: we need to limit ourselves and budget the use of this vulnerable resource. Understand the intent of specific usage during water consumption is key. We need to re-approach the concept of bathing. I propose a solution for sponge bath, which aims to act against the idea of ‘shower’. This bathing process will celebrate this domestic ritual and a family activity. It will follow the natural steps of recycling water and energy saving.


Sunbathe is a project that aims to maximize the usage of our limited water resource. Rainwater is collected through the rooftop and stored under ground. Water will be reheated for bathing with the Solar Boiler , which collects energy from the sun and converts it into hot water. Water that is collected on the ground can be used for toilets. ��Domestic hot water is the second-highest energy cost in the typical household. In fact, for some homes it can be the highest energy expenditure. Solar water heating can now reduce your domestic water heating costs by as much as 65%.

Section – Page 1

copy_0_sunbathe2.gif Overview – Page 2

copy_0_sunbathe3.gif Detail – Page 3