successor of the grand

successor of the grand by ashot manovyan from russia

designer's own words:

so this is my concept of the new renault 4. in my point of view it looks modern. it can be difficult to recognize the old one in this concept, but still it has taken something from the classical renault 4. i has been inspired by many already existing cars, trying to find out what makes them look modern, what differs them from old cars. i have been also trying to find some links between the old and new cars, making an effort to use these experience in my concept. i have started from sketches, drawing them with my hands. after sketching several variants i have chosen the best and started work in 3ds max. there were many difficulties during that work some of them were technician constrained with making 3d model, some of them were constrained with aesthetic aspects of my work. i tried to save 4 doors in my concept but eventually i concluded that 2 door car will be better. it looks more modern and sporty, and it is important because i consider this car like a sport car. it has 4 seats, 2 rear seats are accessible through the front doors (front seats are foldable as in many coupes). the shape of front bumper is inspired by the shape of old renault 4, converted into a modern look. i made the headlights looking more aggressive as i did for the rear lights. it give the feeling of sportiness to the car, when you see at this one you think "it must be fast car". also it gives some character and soul to this car. the whole body is a combination of angular and smooth shapes, and the same theme is maintained in the interior. shape of the steering wheel, gear lever and dashboard has many angular shapes in contrast to smooth shapes of the seats and floor. i wanted that the all presence of interior would like the interior of some spacecraft, that is why i used carbon fiber settings and some lights. I think it will provide some feeling of the future spirit in this interior. and the future is the key point in this car, because it has to be a car of the new age, age of ecology, so it has to be look different, making you feel that that is really the new renault 4


copy_0_0021.jpg front view

copy_154_003.jpg rear view

copy_16_004.jpg side view

copy_10_005.jpg interior dahboard

copy_9_006.jpg interior salon