Stuffit by christian olivari wdco from usa
designer's own words:
Teenage Furniture “Stuffit”
What does the modern teenager really want or need? It is a period of their life where they are discovering their individuality; shifting tastes from rock to hip hop shows that their desires and attitudes change rapidly. The design of “Stuffit” is adaptable for the teenager’s shifting wants and needs. It can be personalized, modular, and is also space saving.
The project:
During observations and interviews I discovered that teenagers are not the best at keeping their rooms clean and organized. To promote usability, I decided to use the wall space to design my project. “Stuffit” came from an early concept “Rubber Wall,” a panel of rubber where you could stick stuff in crevices along the surface.
To make the unit modular and more appropriate for the teenage target market, modularity became the key concept. Each of two sizes can be purchased individually and installed as needed. When installed on the wall, the rubbery outside permits pins, while the space between (creating a natural crevice) enables the user to pinch their keys, cell phone, cards or even clothes into the system. I also observed that teenagers like to trade, exchange and share their stuff. “Stuffit” is easy to “plug” and “unplug” from its magnetic base making it modular and easy to carry around.
“Stuffit” will be sold with different interior colors; enabling the user to mix and match to their personal décor. A door on the module has a slot to place pictures, articles or post cards. You can also choose to leave the slot clear so that you can see through the transparent door to your stuff.