stream bowl by david gu from china
designer's own words:
With the convergence of future kitchen and living area, activities like cooking, dinning and entertainment will happen in one place. As a result, this place would be filled with many consumer electronics as well as kitchenware.Therefore, the convergence of kitchenware and consumer electronics may create great opportunities to fulfill our future needs as well as keep our place tidy.
“Stream Bowl” is designed for this purpose. It is presented with essential functions and simplicity as a daily-cooking-ingredients container for garlic, onions, lemons, gingers and etc. Meanwhile it is sophisticated enough to play digital music streamed from any wireless media station put in other rooms. Supported by advanced wireless transmission technology in the future, “Stream bowl” provides us with free access to our huge music data stored on our PCs, home media centers, and portable media players.
No matter we are preparing food, cooking or dinning, we can always be surrounded by our favorite music with this special kitchenware.
Stream Bowl – Daily-cooking-ingredients container with advanced audio experience
It’s a kitchenware to store your daily cooking ingredients. Meanwhile, it is a wireless audio player.
Touch pad and advanced interface to control this audio player