stick n mop by ivan gorodner from argentina
designer's own words:
We’ve rethought the mopping issue, in order to avoid dealing with bulky bottles, suffering spilling accidents, or having to use measures for the product, thus achieving a sustainable product. Inspired by the old floor cleaning method (diluting a soap bar) we decided to go back to a solid cleaning product. But a soap bar falls off the bucket when it is emptied. The road was to create a container which will keep the product inside the water and in the bucket through several uses, even when the water is tossed away. The frog was chosen as referent because it lives as well inside as outside the water. The frog with the cleaning product remains in the bucket from the very moment of the purchase of the product until the refill. Hence no more unwanted spilling. To use the product just fill the bucket with water. The sustainability issue was faced from different aspects: A liquid product demands bottling as well as transporting the water for its dilution, while a solid one requires less energy to pack and carry. This solid cleaning product will be molded directly into the clamshell serving altogether as its packaging, a good option to reduce steps in the production. The Frog is injected in a high quality Thermoplastic elastomer for a long-lasting product. The clamshell for the solid cleaning product is vacuum formed on a 0.2mm Pet sheet, serving afterwards as mould to the cleaning product. Our design is meant to be used in small homes in which one product only will be used to clean all the floors.
how does it works