stem by armando lópez león from mexico
designer's own words:
Contemporary architecture is changing from it´s basical forms. It is becoming more emotional and a example of continuity and distortion as the result of a permanent changing world. The surrounding design must suit this forms and spaces providing the user an easy, confortable and emotive way of living. The door lever handle "stem" and its rose pretends to be an extension of the door... and more ahead, an extension of the whole architectonical space.
made in two main parts: the rose (formally composed with an elliptical base in the door side and a circular upper base on the handle side, the circular form is made to give a uniform apperance while making the handle turns even thought its complex and oganic shape. the second part is the handle which dimensions were based on atropometrical studies to make it more confortable. both main parts contains inner technical parts to complete te function of handle lever. both parts are produced from a metallic inyection in different molds
general views ortogonal
general views perspective
perspective 1
in use /architectural environment
door handle drawings