Star Climb

Star Climb by Leslie Shaw from uk

designer's own words:

"Star Climb" is an interactive rock-climbing design that make real the act of catching a star and fulfilling one's anticipation for all the wonderful aspects of life at an early age. Ever since I could remember, one of my biggest anticipation was to climb the sky and catch a star for my own. Every night, I would ask my father to catch the star for me, and each time he would give me a different story of all the wonderful possibilities of catching a star.

As a designer, I would like to design an interactive design that facilitates the relationship between parents and children, and give them a tool to have a meaningful conversation of their greatest anticipation in life and how to achieve it. Rock climbing has proven to be a very healthy extracurricular activity in that it requires persistence and strength to complete different levels. As a metaphor of achieving one's goal or anticipation of great things to come, the process of climbing to the top could be as fun and challenging as star-climbing.

Final Image
Star Climb
Star Climb