sprout by mansour ourasanah from usa
designer's own words:
SPROUT is a Computer Speaker that attempts to bring the serenity of plants and vegetation into an otherwise machine-heavy environment. I got the idea of sprout by watching people bring plants to their workplace. It seems as though even in their most technological backwaters, humans look for a way to stay in direct contact with nature. Houseplants at home and in the office do more than just look pretty. They help clean the air that we breathe as well as make us feel less alienated in the artificial environments that pass for offices now. With this in mind I believe that future speakers and computer designs should not only look good but also be able to fit into our search for the natural world. SPROUT is therefore a constant reminder of the beauty of our planet. Just like a baby represents the beginning of future generations of humans, a sprout represents the beginning of a tree. With this analogy the user is allowed to contemplate his own existence in correspondence to that of a growing tree and appreciate nature’s work at its finest. Plants are calming and beautiful. Sprout is not only an object that deliver beautiful music, it is also a step closer to nature’s beauty for those who wish they had more plants in their work environments.