
/spring by Daniele Ragazzo from italy

designer's own words:

at the bottom of the concept is a formal element that brings suggestions and contaminations :the spiral.
no other shape had through the history of thinking so many expressions in all fields :
the golden section that symbolizes cosmos armony for pythagoreans, structural law of the human body for leonardo, is inside quantum mathematics and inside music, chrism of aesthetycal beauty in figurative arts, symbol of the balance, cause-principle of the world in philosophy area, expression of nature’s organicism.
the spiral-element is also object of strong suggestions : is wrapping like a tape that implies safety, it is light as a leaf and implies freedom, it is cryptic like a papyrus that brings a message to decode and implies comunication and knowledge.
let’s think about the architectural order of the ancient greece, the fibonacci sequence, the logarithmic diagram of sounds, the human ear’s cochlea, the spiral of nautilus, the shape of galaxies, the compositional elements of leaves... all the processes of growth of spiraling kind have been objects of study and signification : already order, symmetry, armony of proportions, projection of movement, the spiral became symbol of continuity of life and death ( mainly in the oriental philosophies), but also of an interior travel, of the force that depending on the direction, makes enter inside us the positive energy or that pushes away the negative one.
in this last production of sense the object-door handle become a significant instrument in the double antinomy “inside/out”, enter/exit”.
the door, metaphor of entering or exiting from two possible worlds, from two different contexts of life that objectifies in the spiral-door handle the sense of continuity of daily acts not in a banal way because performed depending on an eternal dichotomy, the double direction, the possibilities of our choices.

/spring intro

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