split star

split star by min young lee from korea

designer's own words:

The Milky Way of your own is made.
It is said that play is beneficial activity, and it is essential for young ages in their developmental stage.
Apart from play form in infant or child stage, play performed in adolescence starts from a desire to show themselves or to make a relationship with others as they respect themselves.
Now, we suggest a fine play thing for those adolescences.
SPLITSTAR is based upon an oriental play thing, which is called CHILKYO. It is a play that plane of square is divided into seven pieces to make various shapes. People say that it is helpful to improve intelligence. In Western, it is called TANGRAM.
Through SPLITSTAR, adolescences make an expression of space they want by combining simple furniture of suitable function with uncomplicated lines and individual ornaments or practical properties.

split star top view

copy_255_2.jpg split star perspective view

copy_225_3.jpg split star detail view