Spinning Top by jin hwan Jeong from korea
designer's own words:
This is an indoor pocket size CD player that you can use on the table or desk. This CD-player has a shape of toy top. The rotation of the playing CD is matched to the movement of a spinning toy top. Everybody might have spun a toy top when he was young. This CD-player can arouse affordance of such behaviors as spinning a top using your hand or rope, thus, you can not only listen to music but also have fun just by watching it.
A toy top works like a power on/off switch. Make the toy top to be straight up to turn the CD player on. Interface of this product originated from spinning a toy top. CD can be started to play by spinning a controller of the bar in the middle. Use the bar to adjust volume by shifting it up and down, You can change CD tracks by touching thin touch-sensitive strap, which is placed on the edge of a toy top, left to the right or right to the left.
Home appliances can have a weak point concerning design because they need cables to get power.
This CD player also includes the power code as a part of its design. The naturally placed power code reminds a toy top strap. Moreover, when music plays, it maximizes sensitive feelings by expressing auditory sounds visually with the LED light. You can turn the light on and off as well by pressing a button which looks like the sun.
You can also set up light and music playing to be turned off in certain hours for your bedtime by adding a function of a timer. There are still so many people who enjoy their music with CD-players even though they have various and simple ways of listening to music, e.g. mp3-players.
In a way the CD Player has become old-fashioned and this is an attempt to reinterpret the CD Player as an analogue product that makes you think of old times.