
Sphericart by Thiago Jose Prigol Aires from brazil

designer's own words:

Can be told plastic is a market and manufactered tendency in all shopping cart around the world,
although this one is a design providing another differentiated parameters.
The Sphericart is a newest shopping cart planned to innovate where people have been too much problems, like the wheels. Sphericart's wheel has degree of freedom in all axes, as it is safe in a side structure that is responsible for lubricating the spheric wheel that provides the movement.
For companies in the logistics was optimized, because the car is lighter and has fewer components for maintenance, which is also a
benefits to the manufactures and the environment because it reduces the impacts inherent in industrial production.
It's been designed on Proe software, and second engineering analysis it weighs approximately 19.8lbs. This is becouse of the geometry and amenable materials used that enable recycling too. The Sphericart's structure also suported around 550lbs, it is ergonomically suitable to the users, and show a modern face arousing interest and pleasure while shopping.
The design patent has already been requested for innovation, however, Sphericart is a shopping cart sustainable for environmental, consumer and industry.

Sphericart front

copy_37_2_copy.jpg Sphericart side

copy_27_3_copy.jpg Sphericart back