solar water heater

solar water heater by ankit chordia from india

designer's own words:

This is a solar water heater which is made of completely recyclable materials. I have used a grill which is usually found at the back of the fridge .The reason for selecting this is because the grill is made of metal and can relatively distribute heat throughout the process. I have used a wooden covering and inside I have painted it black to absorb the heat when exposed to sun .Then finally I have placed a black glass on the top which serves to trap all the infrared radiation from the sun inside our panel where our collector will absorb it. And at the back of it I have added a small support which keeps the heater inclined to some angle. I have attached a handle at the top and wheels can be attached at the bottom which can help in the mobility of the solar heater. Now as far as working is concerned the cold water is send through the inlet pipe. The water does not flow through the panel very fast as the pipes are very small which gives enough time for the water to heat up inside the grill and then the water takes a convoluted path and flows out through the outlet pipe. The water which is got from the outlet pipe is relatively hot and to improve the water temperature the hot water can once again be recycled into the heater.The inlet is towards the left and outlet is towards the right.The solar water heater must be continuously exposed to sun to ensure that the grill or collector is hot.The solar water heater will take sufficient time to heat the water so care must be taken that the heater is directly exposed to sun to reach maximum temperature of water. The advantages of this solar water heater are as follows
1. The water heater is cheap as it is made of recyclable materials.
2. The water heater is eco friendly.
3. The solar water heater saves electricity.
4. This solar water heater requires less space and it is light to carry.
5. The solar water heater can be used in rural areas where people does not have access to hot water.
6. Mechanical injury like shocks, burns is prevented.
7. Easy to operate and install.
8. My solar water heater is mobile and can be moved from one place to another as there are wheels attached at the bottom.

solar water heater without glass.

swh_02.jpg solar water heater with glass

swh_03.jpg final solar water heater