Solar monster refrigerator by sun-gyu jeong from korea
designer's own words:
Concept of the solar-monster refrigerator
1. Solar heated refrigerator
A solar heated refrigerator uses a solar battery to bring power.
Due to this refrigerator, buildings might have to make one side of the wall with glass.
This will gather the sun light and produce heat and lighting. It will also be an environmental product.
2. The transition of storage method
The Koreans traditionally kept ‘Gimchi’ under the ground by burying it.
This can be helpful to not only use the space efficiently, but also for the ‘Gimchi’ to stay fresh so people can eat it through the winter time.
Going through industrialization, electronic machines started to take up large space.
But we can get a hint from our tradition and secure more space by making the storage place go back into the space.
3. A transparent refrigerator
We often open the refrigerator to check what there is inside.
We always check to see what there is to eat, but this wastes a lot of energy.
If we can see what is inside the refrigerator whenever we want, there would be no need to open the door all the time.
4. A drawer type refrigerator
If there is something deep inside the refrigerator, we have to lean our body down and take out everything what is in front to reach what we want to get.
If a drawer type refrigerator comes out, it would be very convenient to use, especially for the aged.
Architectur System suggestion
-Background of Theory
According to the "Law of the conservation of energy", when the energy gets moved or its form gets changed, the total amount of the energy remains the same.
It would be an environmental solution for an efficient energy use.
1. From Sun to refrigerator
The solar energy moves to the refrigerator and gives power to operate it.
If we use "DSSC (DSSC; dye-sensitized solar cell)" and design it with various colors, one part of the building can become an art gallery.
2. From refrigerator to Building
A refrigerator releases lots of heat when it sends out the refrigerant used for the air-conditioning.
The large amount of this energy can be reused for the building.
So, we can save a lot of energy that we use for the building's heating and hot water with this refrigerator.
By using this refrigerator, we can save the fossil fuel that is being used to make this energy which is getting wasted.
3. From Building to People
The final beneficiary of the energy is human.
We can obtain energy for our living (heat, hot water etc.) and save the exhausting oil energy by the building.
And this cycle can repeat when people use the refrigerator.
This refrigerator is not just for storage.
It is to produce positive effects for the environment, buildings, and energy.
This refrigerator can storage food for our basic living, and solves the problems with the refrigerators that we currently use, and also solves the problem about the exhausting oil energy.
There is human in the center of this whole process.