solaesthetic solar thermal one

solaesthetic solar thermal one by dan hughes from uk

designer's own words:

Solaesthetic offers a cradle to cradle based approach. We create ecologically informed products and processes as a ‘best effort’ contribution to sustainable human culture. We also assert that Desirability is a necessity for sustainable design. People are the real power in the world. It is people who will invest in, and nurture what they love. People invest more into beautiful things and are more inclined to feel continuing ownership of them. It is human nature.
Our first invention, the ST1 is unique and offers new design and integration potential for designers. It uses a vertical, omnidirectional, volumetric absorber element, which is insulated within an evacuated chamber.
Volumetric absorbtion means that orientation not critical to output. Omnidirectional pick-up means it can be deployed using the full context of it’s surroundings. E.g. Hard structures can be used to act as reflectors. Pre-existing walls or specifically designed groundworks can act as a light concentrators. The design possibilities are endless. The ST1 may be mounted vertically in a number of different ways, e.g. on plinths in a garden, or a courtyard near to a host building. Or mounted on posts above the ground or even as part of a water feature.

Solaesthetic retro fit

circle_bench_pave.jpg parkland installation

solaesthetic_oak_pole_upshot.jpg Pole mounted solaesthetic ST1