Social Money Transfer Platform

Social Money Transfer Platform by jltorres from spain

designer's own words:

The Social Money Transfer Platform allows registered users to send and receive money using their Facebook or Twitter network profiles as the authentication and confirmation method.
Senders must have a real Deutsche Bank account or an account in a bank associated to the platform in the future.
Senders and receivers must be previously social related as “follower”, “friend” or “liker” in case of Faceboook company pages (the platform can boost e-commerce actions for small companies with social activity).
The bank comission could be replaced by a “social fee”: mention or update in a social network, or even an action related with a partner (register, fill a survey…).
The platform could also get benefits from direct targeted advertising programmes.

Descripcion of the elements and interactions of the platform
Social Money Transfer Platform
Numbered steps of the way users interact with the platform
Social Money Transfer Platform
Relation of the platform as a layer with the participants and other banks through web services.