so delicious by robert fannie from france
designer's own words:
Speakers are often very bulky in our house or appartment. It’s although complicated to listen music in every room of our place...
How could we carry our good music all the time with us at home?
And what if we listen music like we eat?
So delicious is a range of speakers made of corian and metal. It takes shape of plates an glasses. So as we can eat in every places of the house, we could listen our MP3 music in bedroom, watch a movie with a perfect sound on our sofa, listen music at office during we work...
Plates and glasses are independant of each others using wi-fi tecnology. However to recharge each speaker, we pile it on a base which is connect to hi-fi, computer or i-pod. In this way we can easily put speakers away and use it everywhere like we need.
So delicious consider music as “food for the spirit”...
my music tastes so delicious
my speakers
way of use