Snow globe by dodo audrey from france
designer's own words:
"Snow globe" is a stylish and poetic door handle that interacts with people. When somebody opens the door, the movement of the handle animates the snowflakes which are in a transparent sphere daintily faceted (resin) and integrated with the handle (steel). Thus, the design of this door handle plays with its use: people go in and go out, the handle tells it and never looks the same. The shapes are soft, celestial and uncluterred. This proposal has been inspired by usual snow globes and takes this idea forward to enhance elegance and subtility. This handle is large to facilitate several ways of using it. Traditionally, we use them with our hands and they are designed to be used that way. "Snow globe" allows to use the elbow or the forearm thanks to the location of the globe on the handle, in order to promote comfort for loaded people, disabled people or sanitary reasons (toilets, hospital).
The design of "Snow globe" aims to enhance elegance and functionality.
The door handle “Snow globe”
The door handle “Snow globe” in use: trace of presence
The door handle “Snow globe” in use: video
The door handle “Snow globe”, other view