Smartmug by chang chih shih from taiwan
designer's own words:
In modern days, people spend most of their time in buildings but they don’t have much ways to communicate with the buildings they lived in.
Drinking water is to be one of the behaviors that people do most in everyday life, it not only shows that people need water but also shows how people feel about the environment, including temperature, humidity and others.
For example, if the temperature was too high, people would prefer cold or iced water and they will drink water more often; if the temperature was too low, people would prefer warm or hot water and they would drink less water.
By monitoring how much water does a person drinks, SmartMug can find out how this person feel about the environment. With many SmartMug, we can find out how people feel so that we can allow buildings to create the most ideal environment with air conditioners, lightings and other ways.
The SmartMug can also be equipped with sensors that detect the sweat on the hands of the user to get more information about the health condition of this person and what are the supplements of this person needs. A special designed water dispenser that can communicate with SmartMug is able to provide the exact supplements to the SmartMug and make sure everyone get what they need.
All the information collected will be used not only for short terms such as controlling air conditioners and providing supplements, but also for long terms such as monitoring health condition and help contact medical help if needed.
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