sleepless imagination

sleepless imagination by jimmy jimmy adisastra from indonesia

designer's own words:

infiniti have visions not just to develope ordinary car, but offering a

flexibility, luxury, smart, and always make any invention to create a better

vehicle. Thus, infiniti contributes to make a better human lifes.

inspired by infiniti which make a better human life likes animals and vegetation

which support human races. we defining those vision by creating interactive

experiences through inviting any visitor to take a part, make any directly

interaction and feel every curving part of the car.

sculpture (h= 3 m, l= 5.5 m, w= 3 m)
this installation providing a white smoothing curve (made by glass reinforced

plastic). the exsistence of the sculpture make a different space and vibrant

atmosphere in exibith area. it shows continuously from the long left body ,

revolve, and comes to the car and sometimes reverse. when the exibith is over, the

sculpture can be display as an interior/exterior aesthetic.

the show
practically, the show divide into 2 sections, real time show, stand by show.
1. real time show (20% interactive, 80% passive)
start from dark projector, a curve line come through a long tail sculpture,

revolve and come inside the car. while the first curve come, kinect device track

applause the nearest persons. faster and lots of applause makes another curve

coming until to make a shilloute of the car. the next stage is showing a many

pointing spot with many words "point" this coming, kinect track it and the show

begin followed by engine sound. it shows a first step the car built from 3d

framework, metal material , welding sparks, many numerous calculation, oil,

material waste such as, bolt, oil spill, etc, and many glitch projection and shiny

reflection following the curving body. abstract curve coming with many different

colors and the last abstract curve color is same as the actual car paint. the final

stage showing the actual car with a bright lighting and the curve line stop coming.

in the end of the shows, the many curving lines running back through car to

sculpture until the light fade away and the show all black.

2. stand by show (80% interactive, 20% passive)
after the first show, the projector shows many interactive scenes. there are :
- dandelion fields, visitors can play to flick (kinect read the movement - motion

sensor) dandelions and make them fly outside the field. after all dandelions fly

away the scene change to
- shame plant, they can play by touching the "plant" and it will react by hiding it

- groups of sardine fish, the scene change to under water and group of sardine fish

appear, we can play by touching and following the curve body, it react differently

likes the actual condition and makes any curve movement
- purple curves, visitor can make random curve to "paint" the car

creates many different experiences to feel every curve of the car, not just from

visual, but by physical, emotion, and physcology.

projection dandelion + shame plant

copy_0_app.jpg app

sardines_fish.jpg projection group of sardine fish

infinity_curve.jpg projection infinity curve

purple_curve.jpg projection abstract purple curve

copy_127_p1.jpg projection interactive colors change