Skies by Maja Petric from usa
designer's own words:
Skies is a light art installation portraying the sky and it’s ever-changing nature. It is consisted of seven boxes that are designed and programmed to depict the sky and changes resembling transitions from sunrise to sunset. The same state of the sky is never repeated just as it is always unique in nature.
Skies Atlas is a global art project that artistically portrays different views of the sky by use of dynamic light and photography. The piece is an expansion of the dynamic light art installation - Skies.
Skies Atlas will include artistic portraits of skies from many locations across the world. The goal is to capture various sensations of gazing at the sky from different locations and encompass them into the worldwide view of the sky - atlas of the sky.
New editions of the Skies created for the Skies Atlas will implement results of the research on light and art that promotes health.
"We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon." - Konrad Hermann Josef Adenauer
Skies Atlas aims to artistically unite our numerous horizons.
Skies Atlas features:
- original art portrait of the sky for specific locations
- algorithmically composed light and sound depicting the sky and it’s ever-changing nature; both light and sound are programmed to constantly change and never repeat the same state
- interactive sound activation via mobile application that is programmed to visually recognize the current state the sky and activate the sound that is consistent with the state of the sky
- implementation of research results on the topic of health driven light art
Evidance-based research investigates health benefits of light, art, and biophilia (nature inspired design) in purpose of creating art that is driven by notions of health. Through research I seek insightful discoveries about human response to transformative art that evokes awe and promotes health.
As a result of the research, the Skies Atlas utlilizes:
- full spectrum dynamic light that imitates quality and movements of the sun in order to evoke natural circadian rhythm - an array of biological processes within the human body (and all forms of life on Earth) cycle according to a 24-hour clock
- sky inspired artistic content that reconnects people with their innate natural environment.
Light designed to regulate circadian rhythm has been used as a therapy that has been proven effective in over 85% of diagnosed cases of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that occurs due to insufficient or irregular exposure to daylight. Such condition is especially common in cases of extended indoor stays and during the fall or winter when daylight exposure is limited.
Skies Atlas provides maximum benefits for people living in northern climates or leading a lifestyle that is lacking sun exposure. Optimal benefits of the piece are harvested when exposed to 15 mins - 2 h at its full intensity during earlier time of the day. The piece comes with light intensity regulator in order for user to decrease the intensity after receiving recommended dose of light. The light is designed to filter harmful ultraviolet (UV) light.
The image shows four different states of the piece SKIES that is algorithmically programmed to change color and intensity over time.
Skies Atlas, initiated by six artistic interpretations – each is typical for a diffrent locations and one of main climates of the world.