Sixty one concept by Richard Ducreux from france
designer's own words:
My intention was to create a car able to adapt itself to our customs and respecting social and eco friendly aspects for a better future.
I imagined three axes to establish my economical circle. First: re-use of raw materials already available. Next: change of mentalities, uses and customs. And finally: the massive development of the renewable energies.
Raw materials
Sixty-on is the reflection of an adaptable vehicle. With a same frame, three models can be developed: the family car for a mixed use on various grounds; the pick-up for professional users and the convertible car for a younger public. All models are propelled by four electric motor drives conferring on the vehicles a perfect adhesion. The frame and the metallic parts of the body are made with recycled aluminum. This material was selected for its environmentally aspects, its high effective quantity regarding to the actual waste of regular consumption, and its low consumption of energy when it’s transformed. The ABS parts are made with old vehicles waste, current plastic products and products of the technologies of the injection. Regarding to the future, the purpose is to create a car from those materials in order to valorize each parts at the end of life of this same vehicle. Like this, we are talking about re-using / using / recycling and valorization.
Social circle
Our everyday life consists of habits. Behaviors are an important point of the economical circle. Sixty-One group various services based on the social network. Ridesharing, common ownership and renting are more than ideas; it’s a question of service. Different spaces localized around the center town have a double paper of charging zone and point of users meeting in order to create an easy exchange. This network allows keeping the vehicles away from the center town to favor the use of common transports and in the same time to reduce pollution in the conglomeration. We can imagine a web site offering different kind of services to the owners, future users or the isolated people (elderly person etc…). The first service would consist in a program for people who are interested in sharing the same car for a same destination (Ridesharing). The second service gets in touch future common owners who would like to by a second car and sharing the bill. The last service allows localizing the rent point and the availability of the car thanks to a network of information available on the internet (laptop, IPhone application…). The mean goals: create human links, re-include values as the sharing and think a new sensible and responsible community.
Circle of renewable energies
Today numbers of proper energies are available in the World. The Sixty-One idea looks for the development of those energies and combines all those energies to produce electricity during all the year. In this case, the wind power and the solar network working with the water strength should be able to produce the necessary energy for the “charging zone”. The all network could complete and assume consumes of energy in the entirely World.
Sixty-One is based on three mean ideas to create an economical circle. Without any change of behavior, any common feeling, any development of the renewable energies and the recycling of first materials it will be impossible to change our habits and to revolutionize the car industry what is not actually feeling very well.
We have to change our vision of the future by moving our habits and keeping the development of new technologies in order to improve our century.
Sixty-One is more than a car…it’s a new way of Life.
Front view
Back view
Raw materials
Social circle
Circle of renewable energies