six vases which are a memory of a loss by Hadar Glick from israel
designer's own words:
Vases which are a memory of a loss.
Day to day life in the our society are intertwine with loss, who brings with it memory. The loss of a loved one is a part of our life cycle and the memory of that person, remains with us. After researching this subject in depth, I came to one major realization, which remained present in my work process: it does not matter if your loved one is a son, a father, a mother or a good friend. A loss is always a loss.
The world of memory and loss has an affinity to one of flowers and nature. Expressions such as "cut off in his prime" or "nipped in the bud" are familiar to many Israelis from their daily use of the Hebrew language. A flower is worn out and provisional, he resembles a clock and serves as a timer.
In our culture flowers symbolize life and they can frequently be found at any home. They are present in our life cycle on its highs: in moments of joy and happiness such as birthdays and weddings, and in its lows in funerals and memorial days.
I have chosen to focus on vases as they are communicative in a way that a wide range of audiences can relate to them. Vases are collective objects but they meet the individual. The vase as an object has an inner void, an exterior and he encapsulates.
The vases show a range of memory and loss; each of them emphasizes different elements; among them rituals of memory, daily actions, flower arrangements, materialism, objects and mainly emotion – collective and individual alike.
For me the main goal was to allow people to express the memories of their loved ones at their own home without being extravert or obvious.
In contrast to flowers, which wither and fade away with time, the vases are all made out of non biodegradable materials and are constant. An eternal testimony of our memories.
Existing and not present – a look through the glass creates blurring, the liquid nature of the glass results in amalgamation and clarity which represent the missing person who is in existence mentally and not present physically. Was and still is. The shape of the inner vase is inspiared from the marvel vases that people put on the gravestone, round, ful of shape and volume.
Dimensions: base Q 8 cm/ Q 12 cm/ height 23.5 cm.
Material: hand blowen glass.
Placing and positioning – the vase expresses the in between; between positioning the flowers at home and placing them at the cemetery. It brings ritualism into the house. The vase references a block of marvel and only in bird's eye view, the familiar shape of the vase is revealed. from that view you can also notice the diffrent angle and cuts which give the flower a frame around it.
Dimensions: 30X10 cm/ height 6 cm.
Material: corian surface.
Designer name: Hadar Glick
Existing and not present – the vase with the flowers Existing and not present – zoom in
Existing and not present – without the flowers, as part of the space.
Placing and positioning – contains water.
Placing and positioning – present how the flower is laying in the vase.
Placing and positioning – upper view.