Sit an Example by Ya-Lun Pan from taiwan
designer's own words:
Lineups are unpleasant when you have to wait a long time with nowhere to sit, and events that offer seating require manpower to set up and put away chairs. Made from flexible plastic with creases for folding, this design, “Sit an Example”, can be offered to people at events. It can be quickly and easily folded into a seat or dismantled for storage, combining functionality with environmental sustainability.
Problem 1: When waiting in line, there’s often nowhere to sit, making the experience unpleasant. Problem 2: Although some events offer chairs to sit in, setting out and collecting chairs requires a lot of manpower.
All folding chairs can be folded and collected in cardboard boxes at entrances and exits, allowing for convenient organization, storage, and shipping. One box can hold 40 units.
Chairs can be stamped with event logos and information, enhancing brand visibility and sales of the product itself.