simply Moleskine  what's yours? by matty

simply Moleskine what's yours? by matty by matilde spotorno from italy

designer's own words:

In those works I tried to figure out a simple Iconic solution for the new logo,by keeping some of the strong characteristics of the famous notebook to work on:like the "BLACK" as main colour(which gives a stong impact to the logo and it reminds me of Moleskine)matched with different colours(like the labels).ROUND EDGES gives an extra imprint to the work,and the ELASTIC BAND which (in most of logos) It'sbeen transfomed in part of the M letter of Moleskine .

Moleskine Mcover

copy_27_m2.jpg Moleskine M what’s your colour?

squaare.jpg Moleskine Round edges

molsquare1.jpg Round edges what’s your colour?

copy_3_m4.jpg M Iconic

copy_23_m3.jpg M sketch or right it on!