simpLe feeL

simpLe feeL by pule swai from tanzania

designer's own words:

this door handle was designed with the most simplicity to primarily fulfill its function along with an understandable aesthetic. the two shapes of the door handle were designed to mimic the position of a wrench on a bolt and also fit the shape of the hand. the two end curves (on top and bottom) were designed to fit the palm and fingers in reference to the motions of pulling and pushing of the door. simple-feel was first designed through a series of hand-drawn sketches which were then translated into a 3d model on autocad. final pages were then printed out to be cut out of a styrofoam block using a hot wire (heated by a lighter) shaped in the profile of the handle. these blocks became the molds which were filled with a standard industrial putty mixture. the different molded pieces were then glued together to form the two individual parts. they were then glued together along with the stem of the door handle. the glue replaces the screws that would be used when manufactured industrially. the simplicity in shape of the door handle allows it to be manufactured with the same simple procedure of molds which could be replaced by natural resins, recycled plastics, metals, etc.


copy_0_simplefeelb.jpg 3D MODEL (AutoCAD)

copy_0_simplefeelc.jpg DIMENSIONS

copy_0_simplefeeld.jpg PERSPECTIVES