simmer stove

simmer stove by romy hockley from australia

designer's own words:

Simmer Stove addresses the issues of cooking in the kitchen in the future. Issues of designing for an aging society, ‘suburban’ to ‘urban’ living, sustainability and environmental impacts were considered. It looks at safety whilst cooking for all ages, not just the elderly, more efficient cooking methods, ease and simplicity of use and utilizing current and future technology.
The stove works on the concept of lowering the cooking pot down into the benchtop, eliminating the heat source from the countertop, ensuring no more hands will be burnt and no more pots will be pulled or knocked off the stove. It also ensures no heavy pots of boiling water can be spilt whilst lifting it off the stove. Sustainability is addressed through the use of induction technology and a more effective heating method, as the pot is lowered down into the cooking chamber, the heat which is generated is retained and doesn’t escape to the atmosphere, creating a much more efficient heating environment. The domestic cooker has remained largely unchanged over the last century. Simmer challenges the design and layout of the traditional cooker in order to improve it for use in the future.

Simmer Stove

copy_4_image2.gif How it works

copy_2_image3.gif In context