shine, a nail polish lamp by jada schumacher from usa
designer's own words:
childhood's previously solitary activities (such as grooming and applying make-up) become increasingly social events in the teenage years as teens spend more and more time hanging out with their friends. shine, a nail polish lamp, holds bottles of nail polish in a colorful array and provides three colors of ambient lighting for the bedroom. teens can gather around the lamp to bask in its crazy colored glows while painting their nails. the combination of lamp glow colors and polish color choices will create interesting effects and play color tricks on the eye. in fact, as the teens change the color of the glow light during the nail painting session, one polish color can appear to change hues. the lamp provides a centerpiece of fun and entertainment and can transfrom a banal impromptu teen gathering into an eventful and intriguing experience.
teens with polish and lamp
how to use the nail polish lamp
lamp construction details