Sheltart by simon wong from china
designer's own words:
1) The Sheltart’s major objective is to encourage homelessness come back to our big family in step by step.
2) It provides the least basic need for a person in urban area.
3) The house cover can add some logo or symbol for an easier identity.
1) to collect all necessary goods.
2) to store up personal accessories such as sleeping bag, recycle bag and umbrella etc…, even mobile toilet for any urgent bowel movement.
3) The “house cover” is optional, it should be chosen if it is necessary, for example, the homelessness always stay in a region when it is rainy; the homelessness is female, they need privacy even with at least protection.
1) Originally want to add simple an electronic device for an emergency call in case of any accident or help, however, it should be fulfilled in similar purpose, providing low-cost second handle basic mobile for the instant communication.
2) Originally want to add a small compartment to store the collected objects such as bottoms near to the handle; however it can be fulfilled in similar purpose if providing some recycle bag.
concept outlook
(optional) accessory — detachable house cover