SHARING THOUGHTS by marieke van hensbergen from netherlands

designer's own words:

in the logo i combined a thought balloon with the brandname moleskinerie in handwriting. the thought balloon is a pure representation known from cartoons to express that a character is thinking something. the balloon is used to share the thought of the character with the reader.
handwriting is a very personal notification technique which varies with every individual. the combination of the balloon with the handwriting stresses that thoughts are all very personal.
the logo is represented in two colors, black and white. here, white is the backgroundcolor and therefor the fill of the balloon and the handwriting are also in white. the idea is that the color of the fill and the handwriting can change color according to the expression that the user wants to give to the logo. the color can be adjusted by the user to express e.g. angry thoughts or happy thoughts :)
the logo is made with adobe illustrator (for mac)in combination with a tablet + pen.
two logos contain the moleskine notebook as this is where we often notate our pure thoughts first, in writing, doodles or drawings. a drop shadow is applied on the notebooks to link them to the three dimensionality of the real notebooks, there where we express our thoughts in the most pure form, by pen. moleskinerie is a space where we can share our thoughts.

sharing thoughts 1.1

m2da_moleskinerie_sharing_thoughts_two.2_copy.jpg sharing thoughts 1.2

m2da_moleskinerie_sharing_thoughts_three.2.jpg sharing thoughts 1.3