share our laughter

share our laughter by queenie leung from china

designer's own words:

the idea of this project is started by a round table. this round table is formed by 6 slices of laughing cow cheese. they present our family members and friends. laughing cow cheese give us a image of family product, the round packaging also let us think about the round table of a family. laughing cow cheese and round table are the media of communication and spreading love. we use this concept as the direction of designs, and developed a formula of laughing cow cheese. “take a slice + sit in a round table = share our laughters” the poster shows a happy cow family sitting in round table and sharing laughters through the is a demonstration of having laughing cow cheese. the design of bag also present how a slice of cheese forming the round table. when we put 6 pieces of slices together , it will be a round table and we share our laughter again. the design of t-shirt used the flow up technique to form all 6 pieces of slices together as a round table.

for the poster, we will use shinny ink for printing, choseing textured paper to act as the cheese surface. for the bag design, we keep the bag shape as simple as it can, using the shape of a slice of cheese. the bag will use coated canvas and less shiny p.u. as main material, these two materials give a big contrast and a hard form of the cheese bag. the design has print on top of the coated canvas, with 6 different cow characters on top. the handle of bag is detachable by a snap button, so it will be more convenient for user. the T-shirt design using jersey as main fabric,and it is a back wing t-shirt.The slice of cheese and each “members” name will be a delicate emboriary. we are also having the the happy face of each “members” as a print. you can fold up the t-shirt on backside to form the round table, it shows the idea of spread love after having cheese to reflect the happy image of laughing cow.

the main elements of our designs are the spread and forming idea. we use simple geomatric shape and clean cut of our designs, because we just want to show our message through the grouping of “slice” together. all 3 of designs has this element, and it is so important that it shows our formula and our wishes of families eating laughing cow cheese. we wish all family member can have good communication with their closers. they can share laughters even sadiness when they are eating. they carry love and warm after having meal with closers, and we wish they can spread their love to friends, even strangers as an encouragement for people in the world.

“round table” concept

lvqr132.jpg poster design

lvqr133.jpg t-shirt design

lvqr4_4.jpg t-shirt illustration

lvqr55.jpg bag design

lvqr46.jpg bag design- detail