Sensitive Urban Lights

Sensitive Urban Lights by miguel montiel from mexico

designer's own words:

Sensitive Urban Lights is a public illumination system which obtains the necessary energy for its operation from the photosynthetic processes of the trees. Apart from illuminating the urban spaces, the system has the capacity to register the CO2 levels in the environment and on the basis on such data, interactively react by modifying its illuminating behavior; displaying one of three possible colors indicating with this, if a zone presents a low, average or high level of contamination.

Community´s participation is a key aspect in the conception of Sensitive Urban Lights. To generate this involvement, projections that will summarize particular and general environmental conditions will be installed at the most popular and busy areas of the city. As well, possible corrective activities will be suggested on these projections allowing each citizen to design his/her own strategy for helping to diminish the negative conditions of his/her surrounding. The main goal of the project is to generate and expand the development of a social intelligence through materializing the relation that exists between the environment and its inhabitants and on the basis of it, establishing an emotional dialogue among them.

Sensitive Urban Lights 01

sensitive_urban_lights_02.jpg Sensitive Urban Lights 02

sensitive_urban_lights_03.jpg Sensitive Urban Lights 03