
Sense-Certainty by 07101976 from russia

designer's own words:

Causes and consequences can not exist separately. Everything is interconnected. Our senses - that's the perception level on which we are able to catch the external world as united organism.

Visible play of light, light spots, own and casted by others shadows, reflexions etc - that's the reality layer, which shape is an ideal representation of complex relations, forming Universe and ourselves. However conscience does not observe the layer of sensual perception independently, it immediately interprets sensual data as information about objects shape.
That's why to represent complexity of the world in a difficult shape of game of lights we need to point our attention to the light in it's real environment before the mind interprets sensual data as object's shape.
So we point our attention to something when it is discerned as shape against background or as independent phenomenon. Then the design object in borders of which exists the play of light absolutely independently of real environment gives a possibility to point attention to the shape of light on that object and not to the object's shape.

To point attention to the shape of play of light on the chair and not to the shape of the chair itself for the base has been chosen traditional Windsor model.

OPTICAL SYSTEM. - Original lens (1.2.) in individual lantern (1.), settled onto the cross-bar of the back (а.), collects and sends light from the light diode (1.1.) to the seat (b.), constructed as reflector (2.), that shapes decorative pattern (3.) on the upright bars of the back (c.).

OPTICAL SYSTEM PARAMETERS. - Light diode (1.1.) – Cree XPG. Collimator lens (1.2.) – diameter of 20 mm. Length of aluminum body of the lantern (1.) – 50 mm. Reflector (2.) has compound structure.

OPTICAL SYSTEM DESIGNING. - Optical system and technical support of the manufacture process is provided by particularized organization: «LED Optics Design, LLC. Expert in optical solutions for illumination»

MANUFACTURE AND MATERIALS. - All the chair details are made of oak body. Chair -3d milling on machine with CNC. Lantern frame in the back - machine-operated aluminum processing. Seat and legs - mirror covering. Back - covered by white semi-glossy paint.

TERMS OF DESIGNING. - According to preliminary agreement the period of optical system designing is 1-1,5 months.

General plan
Reflection on the chair by analogy points attention to the reflection in the environment