Secret Flowers of Matsuyama

Secret Flowers of Matsuyama by jola was eylau from poland

designer's own words:

The idea of the project is an open air gallery presenting a number of natural flowers preserved in an epoxy resin. Flowers of different sizes and shapes would be placed all around the city as an artistic project, a social phenomenon and a sightseeing attraction. The smartphone app with a map, a list of flowers, statistics of the locations check in and a photo sharing will be the integral part of the “Secret Flowers of Matsuyama” project.

The app would also have an educational aspect – each flower will have its own description of an origin and an occurrence.

The project is referring to the creative children’s game “The Secret” popular in the some cities in the latter half of the 20th century, at times when television was not commonly available. Who wanted to see the “secret” had to be privy and to know the location.

The searching process of the “Secret Flowers of Matsuyama” could be similar, but more realistic and tangible experience, to the process of searching for Pokemons in Pokemon Go and can bring the similar kind of emotions.

The project could start with about thirty location of the flowers all around the city and the number of them will be continually growing. In the future, owners of the locations (for example: institutions, schools, shops, individual owners) could to put up a proposal of their place for the “secret flower” exposition, to fund their own flowers, and incorporate them to The Secret Flowers of Matsuyama.

Secret Flowers of Matsuyama – a smartphone app.


Secret Flowers of Matsuyama
Secret Flowers of Matsuyama – objects locations


Secret Flowers of Matsuyama
Secret Flowers of Matsuyama – one of the open air gallery points


Secret Flowers of Matsuyama
Secret Flowers of Matsuyama – flowers on the wall – examples of the gallery objects


Secret Flowers of Matsuyama
Secret Flowers of Matsuyama – flowers on the wall – examples of the gallery objects