
Scallop by Patrícia Cruz from portugal

designer's own words:

This door handle is compound by three parts that when together became one.
It is a composition of straight lines with a few curves that cut the monotony of the straight line. The cuts (openings in the wood) in the door handle been used as details and to make the object more sophisticated and elaborated. The half-sphere transparent was placed only for decorative effect.
Inside the door handle exists a small hole of 7mm for the tube that connects the outside door handle to the inside door handle that permit all the mechanism of the door.
Our intention was to create a door handle that may be purchased for people who like clean lines but with some details like some curves.
This door handle have like major measures 13,5 length x 65,5 total height cm.
The selected materials were polished teak, bronze and acrylic but the bronze can be substituted with another material with the same color and cheapest. This door handle can be realized in other materials without the wood, such as steel, depending on taste and the house will be placed.

Scallop Dimensions

scallop_desenho_ii2.jpg Scallop Dimensions II

final_render2.jpg Scallop – final render

scallop_42.jpg Scallop view I – render

scallop_32.jpg Scallop view II – render

scallop__steel2.jpg Scallop view III ( another materials)