saving water bowl

saving water bowl by eun young sang from italy

designer's own words:

This is a washstand that doesn’t have a faucet. Water comes out from part of the border.
So this washstand gives a benefit for saving water.

1. Usually we wash hands and face with water that is flowing from a faucet.
So we have waste of water but this washstand makes us not to have it.
Because the water flows through on the surface of the bowl. That’s why, we can not get the water
ditrectly by our hands for washing.
This means that we have to wait for a while untill the water fills up in the bowl.

2. When we wash, we throw dirty water that we first used in the bowl to get clean water for rinse.
In this case, we have also waste of water. But this washstand is different from normal.
After the water is filled up in a small bowl, the water is going to run into the large bowl naturally.
So we can save water because the water is separated into both of small and large bowls.
Once again say, we can wash and rinse in a bowl at the same time.

3. If we want to wash simply, we can get it in a small bowl not to get water even in the large bowl.
Also it means we can save water.


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