saver by younghyun kim from korea
designer's own words:
This postcard was created to give awareness and remind us about the endangered birds.
In addition, it will encourage interest and participation by creating a simple
and symbolic devices to remove the cage.
We wishes all proceeds from the sale of these postcard will be donated to endangered animals.
Layout of the postcard was designed for the addressee.When they receives the postcard, they can be a lifesaver and donator.
There are informations about the each endangered birds on the back of the postcard.
It may be summarized as follows :
Bird species are disappearing faster than ever before.
One hundred and ninety species are facing
the threat of imminent extinction. The natural rate of extinctions is less than one species every 100 years, but the current rate is at least 50 times that and rising. The past 30years alone have seen 19 species vanish. A total of 56 species were lost in the 20th century; the most costly era for extinctions ever recorded.