same, yet....different

same, yet....different by athena hatgivlastou from greece

designer's own words:

the characteristic outline of the classic moleskine notebook is legendary. i focused on this outline and wanted to maintain this as a common reference. the first letter of the logo is 'written' on the blank pages, in varying ways, indicating the uses and users of moleskine. in the digital world of blogging, creativity and individualism is given a new dimension, yet the logo is a reminder and pays tribute to the original form, the blank pages of a moleskine.


copy_18_moleskinerie3.jpg maths-moleskinerie

copy_5_moleskinerie4.jpg brush-moleskinerie

copy_4_moleskinerie5.jpg pencil-moleskinerie

moleskinerie10.jpg scribble-moleskinerie

copy_0_moleskinerie12.jpg colour-moleskinerie