salata salad maker cum bowl

salata salad maker cum bowl by archnaptil from india

designer's own words:

Salata is a bowl cum salad maker designed for a bachelor to make salad easily for his/her diet conscious lifestyle.
The user is a working /studying man or woman, in the age group of 25-23 ,who stays in a cosmopolitan city ,away from home .She/he stays in a paying guest accommodation or shares a flat with friends or may be a bachelor or lives in with a partner. The crux is that he has bare essential home accessories.
The product is designed for them .Salad often adds the freshness missing in outside food, and is easy to make .but the knife, the cutting board and the dishes are often missing. This product is all in one salad maker .Cut, Add salt and pepper and ....ready to eat!
Material used: Copper and steel blade.
Finishing : Inside steel plating and outside traditional copper surface treatment.

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