
Sakura by wind2018 from belarus

designer's own words:

“Sakura” it’s a combination of the shape, the color and the light, serving for the creation of the apmosphere of a holiday. Initially the sakura flower wasn’t an object of inspiration for this project, because it’s too obviously and trivially. But a necessity of creation of a dome of every lamp and also an idea of optical fiber utilization for the decorative lighting finally have led to the sakura flower image. Thereby the shape of the lights was based on the sakura flower shape. The diods are used as the elements of lighting. They are located around the bunch of the optical fibers. Also the red light is sent to the bunch of the optical fibers, what makes additional colored dotty illumination and also represents the elements of the sakura flower. The whole construction is created with the simple shapes and can be produced with a plastic or a metal. Also this is a modul construction, thereby it can be assembled with a lot of different combinations.









