saat by mustafa emre olur from turkey
designer's own words:
Design Category: 500 Lifestyle
Design Title: FIAT 500 " Saat "
Design Concept: Saat is a new style watch designed for expressing the lifestyle of FIAT 500 owners.
"Independent as time for eternity, magnetic as sun for planets, skillful as a simple wheel for a car."
This theme is the background of the design creating an independent watch which can be attached to anwhere you wish. Hemisphere handles of the watch rotates around FIAT emblem metaphoring the magnet of sun for planets and the magnet of FIAT 500 for people. It is not just an object for learning time, but a skillful design enabling user to invent new functions.
FIAT 500 "Saat", living timeless in eternity.
shortlisted entries (84)